Thank you for being an amazing teacher for me these past 2 years I have been dancing! You've taught us dancers so much from dance techniques to life lessons. To me, you are not just a dance teacher, but a HERO that inspires others to be better people. Thank you for helping me through the hard times. You taught me it is ok to cry, but you also need to get back up on your feet when you feel ready. Thanks to you, I have become a much better person & dancer. Overall, thank you for being a part of my life!-Emily P. -
"I wanted to mention how grateful I am to be under your teaching. The scholarships I received were because of you and what you taught me, not only as a dancer but as a person. You have taught us to smile and move past negativity. You mentioned that you thought I was a positive person, which makes me happier than you could imagine because the only reason I'm positive is because of you! Dance has changed my life. Negativity doesn't affect me in dance because I lose myself and create positivity, love, and progression. I feel every class I find something new to love and take time to lose myself. With the studio, I feel I can never be done...I always can do better, get better, and strive for new goals. I have made lifelong friends in dance and I wanted you to know that you're impacting so many lives and so many more to come. Thank you, for everything.💕"
- Isabella C. -
"I am so inspired by you because you are such a great dancer. When I grow up, I want to be more like you. You inspire me to try my hardest, do my best and give it my all. I get so excited about coming to class because I know that you will be there to cheer us on and to make us do our best. I have achieved so much being taught by you, and I cannot wait to achieve more! You are the nicest dance teacher anyone could ask for because you are tough and push us to our fullest, but you are also nice and help us along the way with achieving our goals! I cannot believe all I have accomplished because of you and I can't wait to achieve more!
- Francesa R. -
"And here's the OTHER Evolution in my life. I LOVE Erica Jaunich and Evolution Dance Experience. And my daughter loves it even more. Being on the team has taught my daughter more than "just" being a great dancer. Ms. Erica's holistic approach to dance and dance instruction is about being a great person, honoring your body, and honoring others. So thankful for this influence in my daughter's life!"
- Caryn R. -
"Erica Jaunich is not only a fabulous dance teacher and choreographer, but she also instills confidence, creativity, accountability, hard work, dedication, discipline, humility, perseverance, respect, and most importantly how to be a good teammate."
- Michelle K. -
"I wanted to say thank you for teaching me so much! I was going to stop dancing in high school after this year, but then I made poms and everything changed. I would not have made it without you! Dancing has become a big part of my life and it is all thanks to you! I don't know where I would be without you. As I enter high school, I'm thinking more and more about my future and I know I want dancing to be a part of it. Thank you so much, Ms. Erica. You've impacted me more than I can express in words!"
-Holly K. -
"I can promise you we would have never supported our daughter to continue dance had an option like Evolution not been available. Dance has provided my daughter with a sense of discipline - both physical and emotional and strengthened her resolve to be committed to a team. She has also learned the value of hard work and appreciation for her accomplishments. Competition is important but needs to balance with a perspective. I appreciate Erica’s dedication to making sure the music and costumes are age appropriate. Thanks to Erica’s training, she has the determination to improve and a healthy appreciation for the abilities of others. These disciplines will stay with her long after high school. I appreciate Erica’s leadership of the girls and believe Evolution offers something different than other studios and teachers. My daughter would not have danced past 3rd grade if Erica had not shown her an option of is currently offered in our dance community here in Elmhurst."
- Dawn V. -
"I just wanted to say "Thank you" for all you have done, especially for my daughter. You have been an exemplary role model for my little girl. She has learned to work hard and have a passion in life all because of you.
I'm not sure if you knew this but she was extremely self-conscious of her size. She is the smallest and youngest of the majority of her friends and classmates. Being small bothered her. Although her dad and I tried to reassure and comfort her, she still wished to be taller like everyone else. A couple of months ago, she pulled me aside and told me that she is happy that she is so small. When I asked her why she replied because I get to be in the middle and front when I dance. It almost made me cry. In dance, she finds a place where she can shine and be confident in herself. Thank you for believing in her and letting her know and feel it. There are no words to express how grateful I am for this. As a mom, you only want the best for your children. You can sign up for classes and buy them what they need and want, but you can never buy how they feel about themselves. Thank you for building her self-confidence and helping her see how awesome she is both inside and out. As a teacher, I have the utmost highest respect for you. Teaching is one of the toughest yet unrecognized professions. You not only have to teach your craft, but you have to motivate, organize, plan, and counsel (among other things) a large number of students with all sorts of personalities and work ethics. You did a fantastic job! I could not have asked for a better teacher for my daughter. The greatest reward a teacher could have is making a difference in just one student's life. Erica, you have done that with my daughter and countless others. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to these girls! "
- Michelle C. -